Monday, August 8

One year without clothes shopping

1-year 'challenge' OR I'm giving up that nightmare!

Well, before I started I thought it is going to be a challenge. Imagine that! One year, 365 days, 8766 looooong hours!

But the opposite is true.

Firstly, it cannot be a challenge when you have around 300kg (yes, 300, I weighted it once packed in suitcases when I was moving) of clothes, shoes and handbags, all in good quality (this is not showing off, this is something to be ashame of. Unfortunately.). That's 6 times of my body weight, all for one person size S/36/8. This is a trap you call fall into when you are single, on good income, living in Western civilisation and you are being able to buy good quality stuff for very reasonable prices.

Secondly, it cannot be a challenge, when you have basic sewing and crafting skills. And sewing machine, of course. You can amend, shorten, adjust or repurposed any other way, whatever you wish and find in your wardrobe.
Then it is not a challenge as you have family and friends, who have so many clothes like you (and maybe more), so they can always hand you down some of it. And we are back to repurposing.
Other way of turning this challenge into a non-challenge is by becoming unemployed. Every price tag suddenly seems like having three zeros at the end, so you quietly put it back. But try it first without this step. You still need to pay your rent!
The only challenge in when you are passing shop and you see that coat/pair of shoes/dress you were always dreaming about. You think: "I have to have that". No, you don't. Recently I met one lady, who told me about the dress she was dreaming for 30 years. She never found it, she never has it done, and she still had beautiful and wide smile.
And let's be honest, I always had a list of dream things. And they somehow became very UNspecial.
So my 'challenge' started on my first day in Netherlands. It was 14th of March 2011 and so far I'm absolutely fine. And I have one year to figure out what my dream dress is...


  1. What a great project! I discovered your blog through Refashion Co-op and will definitely be back to follow your creations.

  2. Thanks, I have plenty of designs in process, my studio looks scary sometimes...

  3. This challenge is such a good way to put a positive eco friendly message out there. love it! good on you:)

  4. I don't know if I could do that lol. I already buy all my clothes from the thrift store or off the clearance racks of real stores, so I usually spend anywhere from 50 cents to $6 on individual items. But i have a TON of clothes. Etsy does not make it easier. I have to buy clothes to screenprint on so I usually end up shopping for myself at the same time. lol

    Maybe one day I will give this challenge a go. I'll probably try it for six months, though. It's a great idea!

  5. Amazing!!!! LOVE it - bravo!!
    Blessings and magic,

  6. Amanda, it's not that hard, really! I was shopping addict for a while back in UK and couldn't imagine weekend without buying new clothes. I still have soooo many, that I will keep not buying until I don't have to. Once you get on train and sit steady, you forget about those needs and actually re-discover your wardbobe again! :)))) Try it, I recommend it.
